Prelude to the teen years.

I think that it might be worth reminding myself this for when Miss Mimi turns into one of those crazy hormonal teens with a penchant for weird fashion and loud music and then teams it all up with a killer attitude:

“Telling your daughter not to do something, never got you the results you were after when she was little, so I’m pretty sure it’s not going to get you anywhere now.”

I always ask Miss Mimi not to tip the packing beads out of the boxes they arrive in. She begs to play with them. Miss Mimi promises me every time..”No Mum, I wont tip them out, I know!” But I believe that this might be code for ” Tip all the packing beads out? Great idea Mum!”

It makes me twitchy every time I walk around the corner to find this mess and I never seem to learn…deep down maybe I don’t mind because she has so much fun with it. I remind myself that she wont be young forever and that playing ‘bubble baths’ in the packing foam is innocent enough..for now.

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